
If you’d like to try an alternative to classic porcelain, then Tonda is the perfect complement to your home.


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    Polona Javornik

    Creative Designer

    Preprosto sem se zaljubila v glino, ko sem stala pred vrati majhnega in čarobnega studia Narobe svet v Kamniku. Takoj sem čutila, da me ta umetniški prostor pritegne. Ob vzpodbudi prijatelja sem vstopila skozi vrata in spoznala Mojco, ustanoviteljico studia. Pod njenim mentorstvom sem se potopila v svet lončarstva, kjer sem se naučila neprecenljivih veščin.

    Živela sem in delala v Kamniku, dokler se ni pojavil Covid-19. Kljub nepričakovanemu preobratu sem se od doma spretno izpopolnjevala na lončarskem vretenu.

    Pogled v moj svet: Imam diplomo iz vizualnih komunikacij. Grafično oblikovanje je sicer moje strokovno področje, vendar me zanimajo tudi druge umetniške dejavnosti. Posebej uživam v ustvarjanju ilustracij z akvareli, akrilnimi barvami in tuši. Leta 2018 sem se naučila šivati in ustanovila blagovno znamko The Story of a Tee, kjer ustvarjam oblačila iz ekološkega bombaža.

    Nekaj o meni: Rada plešem swing in tango, ter uživam v surfanju na dolgi deski. Portugalska je moj najljubši kraj za pobeg. Trenutno najraje poslušam pesem “Guding light” izvajalec katere je Foy Vance. Moja najljubša roža je nežno bledo rožnata potonka.

    I fell in love with pottery while standing in front of a quaint pottery studio in Kamnik. I vividly recall the moment I turned to my friend and declared, “This is what I want to do.” His encourage me to take the first step. Meeting Mojca, the store owner, was serendipitous; she became my mentor, imparting invaluable knowledge about pottery.

    I remained immersed in pottery until the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted our lives. Isolated from the community, I found myself confined to my home, honing my craft behind a modest €200 pottery wheel. Never underestimate the value of inexpensive tools; I discovered that I could learn just as effectively.

    A quick check: I studied Visual Communications (BA of Art). However, graphic design is not my sole passion. I find joy in working with watercolors and ink, and in recent years, I’ve delved into the art of sewing. In 2018, I launched “The Story of a Tee” label, specializing in organic cotton hoodies and T-shirts. It’s now part of the JIKO brand, and the collaboration has been mutually beneficial.

    Beyond pottery and design, I have a diverse set of interests. I can dance swing and tango, and I enjoy longboard surfing. At home, I’m accompanied by my faithful companion, Berto, a beloved canine companion.

    My favorite escape is Portugal, a place where I feel truly at peace. Currently, my go-to song is “Your Blood” by Aurora, and if I had to pick a favourite flower, it would be the delicate pale pink Peony.

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